Updating viewports 

Changes that affect the appearance of a viewport are automatically updated for a wireframe viewport. However, if changes require the viewport to be rendered again, the viewport will be displayed as an out-of-date viewport.

If a layer with an out-of-date viewport is printed, a message prompts you either to print the viewport as an out-of-date viewport or to update the viewport before printing.

Rendered viewport updates occur in the background for Renderworks render modes, and rendered non-section viewport updates occur in the background for Hidden Line and Dashed Hidden Line render modes. You can continue working in the file while the viewports or non-section viewports, respectively, are updating. See Inicio del renderizado de encuadres en segundo plano.

Updating selected viewports



Update Selected Viewports


Context menu

To update selected viewports:

Select the viewports.

From the Object Info palette, click Update. Alternatively, select the command, or right-click on the viewport and select Update from the context menu.

Updating all viewports



Update All Viewports


To update all the viewports in the file:

Select the command.

All viewports on all sheet layers are updated.

Canceling viewport updates



Cancel All Viewport Updates


To cancel the updates of all viewports, including those queued to update for background rendering:

Select the command.

The updates are canceled.

To cancel the updates of selected viewports:

Select the viewports.

From the Object Info palette, click Cancel Update.

The updates are canceled.

Viewport status

Modifying viewports

Viewport properties


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